‘I have never lived my truth and I’m not sure how. Perhaps it starts with telling everyone'
The Tory MP for Bridgend, Wales, has become the first UK MP to openly come out as transgender. Jamie Wallis made the announcement in a statement on Twitter, clarifying that he was ‘still the same personIn the announcement, which included a heartbreaking account of his rape at the hands of anand subsequent PTSD, Wallis wrote: ‘I’m trans. Or to be more accurate, I want to be. I’ve been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and I’ve felt this way since I was a very young child.
‘A few months back, in September, I “hooked up” with someone who I met online and when I chose to say “no” on the basis that he wouldn’t wear ahe chose to rape me,' Wallis said. 'I have not been myself since this incident and I don’t think I will ever recover. It is not something you ever forget, and it is not something you ever move on from. Since then things have really taken a tumble. I am not ok.‘When I crashed my car on the 28th November I fled the scene.