As far as luxurious dishes go, lobster Thermidor deserves its place in the pantheon.
I know, I know. Lobster Thermidor is not cool. It’s not trendy. It’s about as fashionable as skorts. But I’m here to tell you that as far as luxurious dishes go, as far as opulent plates that scream “this diner has a lot of money and doesn’t care who knows it”, lobster Thermidor deserves a place in the pantheon. Just consider the basics. You take yourself one lobster – already, not exactly a bargain-basement foodstuff – and pull out the rich, succulent meat.
The mix of meat and sauce is then scooped back into the lobster shell, topped with Gruyere cheese and grilled until golden. I mean, come on – you want this dish.As with so many great dishes of the world, there are competing origin stories for lobster Thermidor. Napoleon Bonaparte was apparently a noted lobster fan – aren’t we all, mate – and there’s a theory that this favourite dish of his was named for the month in which he first sampled it .