Awful Woman Still Awful, read all about it
Even after getting routinely condemned for her comparison, she doubled down, using the covid vaccines’ lack of FDA approval as a means of validating her skepticism. But if the FDA were to approve the vaccines tomorrow, Greene would still come up with a reason to dismiss their findings. She would likely continue to stress that exercise and proper nutrition alone
the worst of covid-19 like she did Wednesday morning, as if otherwise healthy people didn’t die in the thousands.But here’s the thing: This is her M.O. Saying putrid shit is the only thing that gets her attention. So how newsworthy is this, really? .She’s in a position of power, so her existence can’t be ignored entirely. But she’s not the president. She’s a power-hungry freshman congresswoman, and her beliefs are likely echoed by many of her less boisterous Republican colleagues.
So, at this point, why even give this woman oxygen? I include myself as someone who is complicit in this, in thethat is Marjorie Taylor Greene. Most of the nonsense this woman farts out isn’t newsworthy, it’s just obnoxious. This isn’t to say that I’ll never write about Greene ever again, but six months into her tenure she’s done few things of substance and even fewer things that would convince anyone that she is capable of developing a conscience; she isn’t worth all this breathless coverage.