Musher Dan Kaduce described the Iditarod trail as 'super good' on the way into the Rainy Pass checkpoint yesterday. Meanwhile, Ryan Redington says his dogs chased a moose for nearly a mile on the trail, giving them a real boost in speed.
Jeff Deeter’s team pulls into Rainy Pass checkpoint on Monday during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
Veteran Ryan Redington said he surprised himself by pulling into Rainy Pass in first place on Monday morning. He said his dogs had extra motivation for getting there early. Ryan Redington and a veterinarian take the temperature of a female dog the musher had to separate from the team because she was in heat. Redington was the first musher into Rainy Pass.
Kaduce had only good things to say about the trail into the Rainy Pass checkpoint, which includes the Happy River Steps — an often-dreaded series of switchbacks.He said that arriving here when he did — in the late morning — meant he could rest his team through the warmest part of the day, when dogs have the most trouble.