3 Ways To Keep Up With Walking In The Winter It's much easier to get outside and walk on days when the sun bathes your verdant surroundings in a golden light until 9 p.m. Getting your steps in on a gray evening with a biting wind chill and slushy sidewalks? That's usually a lot more difficult.And yet, there's plenty of beauty to experience in winter walking.
The ideal amount we should walk every day is debatable, but a 30-minute walk most days is a good starting goal, and 7,000 to 8,000 steps a day is a research-backed amount to walk for increased longevity.Keeping up with walking during winter can be especially helpful for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder , notes psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal, M.D. According to his research, any little bit of exposure to daylight will be beneficial in staving off feelings of seasonal depression.