'The governor is showing us that the cruelty in his heart knows no depths,' said an American Federation of Teachers official. Texas GregAbbott TexasRepublicans TexasSchools education SupremeCourt Immigration EducationNews
Gov. Greg Abbott puts on his game face and a faux-military shirt for a photo op along the U.S.-Mexico border.the federal requirement that states provide public education to all children, including undocumented ones.the Republican governor said Texas may challenge the Supreme Court's landmark Plyler v. Doe Supreme Court decision, which prevents states from withholding public education. The 1982 case struck down a Texas law that withheld state funding for the education of non-citizens.
Capo also warned that booting undocumented children out of public schools would result in campuses profiling students along racial lines to check their immigration status. Thomas A. Saenz, president and general counsel at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund,“I don’t consider this a new front,” Saenz said. “I consider his comments to be a desperate dog whistle to bolster his re-election prospects.”