If your monthly payments are going up, there may be a way to make sure you’re not paying too much each month
The latest energy price cap predictions from leading industry analysts at Cornwall Insight are forecasting gas and electricity bills of £3,582 per year from October, before rising to an eye-watering £4,266, which would see the average household hit with a bill for over £500 in January alone.
Mr Jarvis asked: “What steps his Department is taking to support people whose direct debit for energy bills has been significantly increased by their energy provider without notice causing them to enter an unarranged overdraft?" While this may not work for everyone, it’s a good way to start getting into the habit of submitting regular meter readings to ensure your supplier has an accurate picture of how much your household is using.
Ofgem also announced that there will be a tightening on the level of direct debits suppliers can charge customers.