The article discusses the personal decision of undergoing genetic testing and the potential restrictions in life insurance coverage for BRCA-2 gene carriers.
Ten weeks ago today, I underwent a total double mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders. Being a BRCA-2 gene carrier means that you have a 70 per cent risk of developing breast cancer in your lifetime. Choosing to undergo genetic testing is a very personal decision. It is something that not everyone chooses to do but for me, I would be able to access potentially lifesaving screening and risk reducing surgeries, but only if I underwent genetic testing .
It’s a decision which can change the course of your life - a blood test to uncover genetic faults that might increase the risk of disease. During my session with the genetic counsellor, they explained to me that if I was a BRCA-2 gene carrier, that I was likely to experience some level of restriction in what life insurance I would be able to access. So the recommendation before you decide to undergo genetic testing, is to go take out life insurance first
Genetic Testing BRCA-2 Gene Life Insurance Risk Disease