The late retired Lieutenant General Emmanuel Teodosio rose to prominence for leading troops against the MILF in Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, 23 years ago
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CAGAYAN DE ORO, Philippines – Retired Lieutenant General Emmanuel Teodosio, a Marine commander celebrated for reclaiming a town in Lanao del Norte from separatist rebels 23 years ago, passed away early on Monday, October 23. He was 73.The late general rose to prominence as the commanding officer of the 1st Marine Brigade which launched offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Kauswagan town in Lanao del Norte in 2000.
He was also directed to seize Camp Bushra, the second-largest MILF camp in Lanao del Sur, an objective that he accomplished following three days of intense combat in June 2000. In his role as the deputy chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines , Teodosio oversaw the training of 1,500 Filipino soldiers through a collaborative effort with 300 US Special Forces under the US-RP Balikatan exercise, which took place in Basilan and Zamboanga City in 2002.