Implementing diversity and inclusion programs within organizations brings real top-line and bottom-line growth.
mentality: “Groups stereotyped as less competent — including women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, older employees, LGBT+, and professionals from blue-collar backgrounds — have to prove themselves over and over again.”The maternal wall:Racial stereotypes: Such as,"Asian Americans are great at technical tasks but lack leadership quality." that affect performance reviews, leadership should take action to find innovative ways to avoid these biases.
There should be adequate tools, promotions, rewards, and criteria that help employees understand how they can get from A to B, advancing toward a . This could be done in a variety of ways, including setting clear actionable goals that set employees up for the promotion track, which allows candidates to recognize the mandates that are important to the management team and position themselves more accurately for their future roles.
We cannot allow diversity and inclusion to be merely buzzwords around the corporate ecosystems. We need lasting change, and market leaders have the ability and resources to bring real results in diversity leadership and inclusion efforts. With the help of the right technology tools and partnerships, companies can make leaps and bounds in terms of improving employee morale and company culture. D&I initiatives are thankfully here to stay, and companies will only experience the upside from their efforts.