With summer now in full bloom, perhaps it’s too late for me to talk about the value of young people getting summer jobs.
But applying for, getting, and keeping a job is a learning experience that isn’t limited to just summer employment.
The work typically involves only entry-level skills, above minimum wage, no prior experience needed, and most only part-time.If my brother and I weren’t doing anything productiveFrom hard-working Italian stock, she believed that if my brother and I weren’t doing anything productive, like just messin’ around, we should be earning money.Mom believed that we should earn our own money, then save it. She instilled in each of us the value and pride of having a net worth, as in a savings account.
· Being fired or quitting a job is not the end of the world. You may find yourself in the wrong workplace at the wrong time. Whether the job didn’t meet your standards or you didn’t meet theirs, knowing when to stay or move on is a valuable life lesson. · Your boss may be easy to get along with, but how about your co-workers? For the first time in your life, you’re working with those who are older and younger than you, plus likely a diverse workforce with varied pay scales.