Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday he will not run for governor, but will instead devote himself to fighting inequality in New York.
a Democrat who represents Long Island and has touted his work to get Congress to raise a tax deduction cap that benefits a high-tax state like New York.dropped out after a short-lived bidDe Blasio — and Williams — would have counted on a base of voter support in Brooklyn, but Hochul has been making frequent trips to New York City and hobnobbing with Brooklyn Democrats, in particular, to shore up support.
In 2013, de Blasio became the first Democrat to serve as New York City mayor since 1993 in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans 7 to 1. He came into office with a liberal agenda but struggled with unsparing and mocking tabloid headlines during his time running the nation’s largest city. De Blasio, who was born in Manhattan and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, launched a short-lived presidential campaign in 2019, when he kicked off his first day as a candidate by trading insults with Trump.
Before serving as mayor, de Blasio was both a public advocate and a city council member. He worked on the 1989 mayoral campaign for David Dinkins, New York City's first Black mayor, and later served in Dinkins' administration.
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commentingA candlelight vigil is scheduled for Michelle Go in San Francisco Chinatown's Portsmouth Square on Tuesday. Go, who was from Fremont originally, was shoved onto the tracks into an oncoming train from a New York City subway platform and killed over the weekend.