Early experiences in an animal's life can have a significant impact on its capacity to thrive, even years or decades later, and DNA methylation may help record their effects.
Early life adversity leaves long-term signatures in baboon DNA." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 March 2024. <www.sciencedaily.com
A large study has looked at DNA methylation in Alzheimer's disease. DNA methylation is the process by which the activity of genes is regulated, acting a bit like a dimmer-switch to turn genes on ... Researchers generated mice with a specific DNA sequence inverted to determine if orientation affects expression of a gene called H19. Expression can also be impacted if the surrounding DNA is altered ...
Compared to newborns conceived traditionally, newborns conceived through in vitro fertilization are more likely to have certain chemical modifications to their DNA, according to a new study. ... More than half of our genome consists of transposons, DNA sequences that are reminiscent of ancient, extinct viruses. Transposons are normally silenced by a process known as DNA methylation, but ...