Doris Jeanne Pistenberger's daughter says she knows her mom will never be back but she believes in accountability.
. On October 19, at around 9:20 p.m., they left the LaQuinta off Oltorf Street and I-35. They were walking hand-in-hand crossing the road to get a bite to eat.
"I have to assume it was a distracted driver or inebriated or impaired in some way," Kite said. "For the love, stop texting and driver if that’s what this was. It’s highly likely it was something along those lines." "We know that nothing will bring her back, but we believe, well I believe in accountability," Kite said."My mother was just the pure example of love and service, she was a servant, she always wanted to build community wherever she went, and made friends and she and my dad were world travelers and loved seeing the whole world," Kite said.