Hadi signalling out Anwar’s so-called liberalism is not something new.
| Anwar Ibrahim’s definition of what it means to be “liberal” is the kind of strategy that has effectively proven to be futile against the Malay establishment. I have no idea why people are outraged over Abdul Hadi Awang’s letter to Islamic potentates in the Middle East.
Hadi claiming that Anwar and Harapan are liberals, propped up by Zionist and Freemasons, is exactly the kind of mainstream propaganda in this country that the Malay establishments – including Malay political operatives from Pakatan Harapan – have pedalled for decades. Amanah, for instance, wondered if Malaysia was having an "affair" with Israel.
Keep in mind that this “liberal” allegation against Anwar, was used just two months ago by the former prime minister – one time nemesis turned ally – Dr Mahathir Mohamed, as