The contestants were greeted with not one, but two surprise guests!
“Remember that there are no small parts, there are only small queens,” she joked. “You want to make sure that even though you don’t have as much screen time, that you have made the character in your mind, you have a whole story for your character so that the character feels really complete.
via email last month, writing, “Besides being a great actor, Scarlett has a lightness to her performance that really helps when you’re doing a variety show and have to constantly switch between characters."Johansson opened up in that same interview tothroughout her career.
"I've made a career out of it," she said. “I’m going to have opinions about things, because that’s just who I am. I mean, everyone has a hard time admitting when they're wrong about stuff, and for all of that to come out publicly, it can be embarrassing. To have the experience of, 'Wow, I was really off-mark there, or I wasn't looking at the big picture, or I was inconsiderate.' I’m also a person.