Not far from the Vatican, where hundreds of Catholics have gathered to debate the future of the Church, purple-clad activists make their voices heard against the 'patriarchy', chanting 'Ordain women priests!' .
Not far from the Vatican, where hundreds of Catholics have gathered to debate the future of the Church, purple-clad activists make their voices heard against the"patriarchy", chanting"Ordain women priests!" .
They have different backgrounds and diverse goals. Not all want female priests. Some aim first for women to become deacons, who can celebrate baptisms, marriages and funerals, although not masses. Some 54 women -- around 15 percent of the total of 365 assembly members -- will be able to vote on proposals that will be sent to Pope Francis.Adeline Fermanian, co-president of the Committee of the Skirt, said the pope had signalled"openings" on the question of ordaining women.
He has increased the number of women appointed to the Curia, the central government of the Holy See, with some in senior positions. "The pope still seems to have this blind spot towards women... He seems to regard women in terms of a role, and it's usually in terms of a mother," she said.The Synod process is slow. The current meeting in Rome followed a two-year global consultation, and a second general assembly is planned for next year.
While the Church debates,"there are collateral victims, frustration, Catholics who leave because they no longer feel welcomed", added French campaigner Chaumet.