A lawsuit alleges CareCube scammed New Yorkers by overcharging them for COVID-19 tests.
testing company CareCube are suing the medical clinic, claiming it illegally billed them for tests and for services they said they never received.
"CareCube's brazen profiteering has enabled the upstart medical provider to expand from a single location in Brooklyn three years ago to 20 locations throughout the city, but this growth has come at the expense of tens of thousands of New York consumers who have collectively been defrauded into paying millions of dollars for COVID-19 tests," the suit claims."Millions" in illicit profitsbrought about by COVID-19.
"Both my partner and I needed COVID tests right away in order to travel. CareCube took advantage of that to cheat us out of $450," Cunningham said in a statement to CBS MoneyWatch."It's sad that companies like CareCube are exploiting people during a global pandemic just to make a quick buck, especially in a hard-hit area like New York City."