BFI Sets Shift To Investment Beyond Cinema & Digital-First Approach In New Ten-Year Strategy ‘Screen Culture 2033’
who said the initiative would transform how people engage with the BFI creating skills and jobs across the UK. Crucially, the BFI is adopting a new three-year National Lottery Funding Plan that will start in April 2023 and see the organization invest £136 million into the business or £45 million annually. This is a dip of around 10% from the last funding plan, BFI2022.
“Most of us experience or contribute to Screen Culture – through film, TV, online video, extended reality, and video games – in our daily lives. It informs and defines us, and continues to grow as an art form and a creative industry,” Roberts said. “Screen culture isn’t standing still and neither are we.”
Audiences will be key to what Screen Culture 2033 describes as the BFI’s long-term “digital first” approach, which will culminate in the Additionally, the BFI said it will amp up its push to encourage the use of film and moving image works in the classrooms, with a £34.2 million investment across education and skills programs.