Arizona’s roadways in 2021 were the deadliest they’ve ever been in the past 15 years according to data from the Arizona Department of Transportation.
Arizona’s roadways were the deadliest they’ve ever been in the past 15 years, according to 2021 crash data from the Arizona Department of Transportation.
“It is every bit of everything about proper behavior from behind the wheel,” Murray said. “I’m talking about distracted driving. I’m talking about courteous driving. I’m talking about the people who are getting too anxious behind the wheel and letting their emotions take control. It’s all of those things combined.”
While deaths from crashes where alcohol was a factor rose slightly by 6.5%, 243 deaths in 2021 compared to 228 in 2020, crashes involving alcohol in general increased nearly 25% from 4,506 to 5,620. Almost 25% of fatal collisions involved someone not wearing a seatbelt, and about 30% of fatal crashes involve speed.