Amazon prominently touts work by anti-vaxxers and COVID conspiracy theorists, even after other platforms cut them off
— a small group it said was responsible for up to 65% of all anti-vaxxer misinformation consumed online. ,"the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online."
The workings of Amazon's algorithm is not clear, and results can vary day-to-day as well as according to the searcher's history.from Amazon data that 70% of its customers don't click past the first page of results. 35% click on the first product shown, the outlet reported. Prof Timothy Caulfield is the research director of the University of Alberta's Health Law Institute in Canada, and the author of several books on the impact of health pseudoscience and misinformation.
"So for Amazon to make a decision about how they're going to treat those kinds of titles, if they're going to treat those kinds of titles with more care, that's not censorship, right. That's just a corporate policy."