The GreenEnergy Africa Summit (GEAS) has announced the launch of the 2023 Energy Investment Village (EIV), a deal-pitching event for African clean-tech startsups and energy projects ~
The Green Energy Africa Summit has announced the launch of the 2023 Energy Investment Village , a deal-pitching event for African clean-tech starts-ups and energy projects.
This is the second year of the EIV. Last year’s event saw finalists representing local clean-tech projects pitching to energy leaders holding potential investments worth more than $100-billion. Sinclair calls on all African clean-tech start-ups and energy projects to enter this year’s EIV. The initiative is open to start-ups in the early stages of rolling out clean-tech projects, as well as large-scale energy projects of between 20MW and 100MW that require finance to get off the ground.
Kaashifah Beukes, CEO of Freeport, explains that the conceptualisation of the EIV was driven by the need to connect and capacitate clean-tech start-ups and energy projects. “The work that is being done in clean energy innovation and development in South Africa and Africa is hugely exciting. “Long-term sustainability can only be achieved if we ensure a responsive and connected environment in which business and society can innovate,” says Cook. “The EIV is an excellent platform to strengthen the building blocks of collaboration that are critical for problem solving in a fast-changing world.”