German Africa Prize 2022 Awarded to African Scientists DeutscheWelle: Africa
Sikhulile Moyo is one of Africa's most renowned AIDS researchers. When the Corona pandemic broke out Moyo, laboratory director at the Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute, focused on the new virus. In November 2021 he discovered something that turned more than just his own life upside down: a previously unknown virus pattern.
The German Africa Foundation's award has been honoring African personalities since 1993. The prize goes to individuals who, in the view of the jury, are committed to peace, reconciliation and social progress. Previous winners included Botswana's former President Ketumile Masire, Somali women's rights activist Waris Dirie and Kenyan IT pioneer Juliana Rotich.
just hours after Moyo. Tulio de Oliveira heads the facility near Cape Town, where he mentored the Zimbabwean-born Moyo before the latter earned his doctorate in 2016.The scientists worked closely together. They made Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in 2022."It's great to be recognized," Oliveira told DW."But, honestly, we're not chasing awards.