In the decadeslong struggle for abortion rights, some men have played an active supporting role, through organizations and as legislators and abortion providers.
last month, appears to have the support of the majority of the six men sitting on the nine-justice court.Women have always taken the lead in the fight to preserve abortion rights, for obvious reasons: They are the ones who give birth and who, in so many instances, are tasked with caring for children once they are brought into the world.
That’s what Oren Jacobson is trying to do at Men4Choice, the organization he co-founded in 2015, where the goal is to get men who say they support abortion rights to speak out and do more, such as protesting, making it a voting priority, and especially talking to other men. “Sexuality has become so integrated into our lives, whether or not we’re partnered,” she said. “That is directly related to women’s control of fertility — and women do not control fertility in a world where abortion is not legal. ... Certainly, heterosexual sexual freedom is dependent on the ability to end an unwanted pregnancy.