Rough and tumble World Cup clash suited Eben Etzebeth and company, with Scotland sucked into playing opponent’s game
right rough-and-tumble game of rugby
Ritchie is 6ft 3in and 17st, but Etzebeth still towers overs him. He fixed him by the scruff and shot him the sort of malicious grin he might give a cow he was planning to eat for dinner later that evening. Ritchie, to be fair to him, glared back like he wanted Etzebeth to know he was welcome to try. Brave as it was, the moment rather summed it all up.
All these stoppages meant the first half stretched on the best part of an hour. It had everything you would want in a game of rugby if you’re a front-rower. There were nine scrums, and Scotland’s pack did brilliantly to win two of them against the head, something no one has done against South Africa so far this year.