All we want as parents is five minutes of peace to put away our dishes.
We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.31 Products That Will Keep Your Toddler Entertained Long Enough For You To Unload Your Dishwasher— which is pretty much exactly what you'd think it is.
These cups are a godsend! They are the perfect size for her hand and she can’t just yank the top off. She likes the independence they grant herchock full of everything and anything to inspire your little one to create a fun paper plate animal friend to hang with ."This craft kit is easy for a toddler to manage and creates cute animals. The double sided adhesive works very well.
"I ordered this for my 2-year-old's birthday who has Down syndrome. He absolutely loves putting things inside of other things. Granted, I'm always right there beside her JUST in case, but she's become a 'me do it myself' kind of girl, so she insists on doing it all by herself now. I think we'll get years of use with this toy and I'd buy it again in a heartbeat!" —with two cars and three spinning color wheels that'll leave your tyke in awe — you can count on them spending AT LEAST five minutes placing the cars/wheels at the top and watching them zoom down.
He has sent me a couple of pictures and videos of them playing in it. I highly recommend this sand box." —for your tyke to play with on the kitchen floor, which will hopefully buy you enough time to prep their fancy meal of puréed delicacies.