SEREMBAN: The 125-year-old Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) St Paul here turned into a coed school when 10 girls registered for the new school session today. T...
: The 125-year-old Sekolah Kebangsaan St Paul here turned into a coed school when 10 girls registered for the new school session today.
“Usually, there are over 100 Year One students, but for the past five years, it has decreased to about 70 students only. So, the former headmaster wanted us to do something because we don’t want this school to close down due to a lack of students. We need to make changes before the situation worsens.
Headmistress E. Margret said girls account for about 10 per cent of the 102 Year One students this year but their percentage is expected to increase in the future. Year One student Ashley Vianna Mattheus said she was excited to attend school today to meet new friends.