When your friends talk about all the awesome sex they're having, it can be tempting to compare your own sex life. Should we be doing it more? What's normal? Don't drive yourself crazy, says Marty Klein, Ph.D., a licensed marriage and family therapist based in California. Normal is different for everyone, but more isn't better: Research shows that the happiest couples have sex just once a week.
by Headwater Holidays says that couples who take two vacations per year are happiest. Obviously, vacations are always amazing — but for couples, they're even better. Why? More than half"say they like to go because on each occasion they are reminded why they love each other so much," according to
."And 55% claim they are more likely to make time for each other on holiday than at any other time of the year." Now you have an excuse to buy those plane tickets.It may sound obvious, but to love someone, you've also got to also like the person. Science says so, too: According to a study in the , researchers found that people who placed an emphasis on the friendship aspect of their relationship were happier and — yes — more sexually satisfied. Because friends don't let friends not orgasm.If money is a huge reason couples fight, there may be some benefit to having separate bank accounts. (